Last week, I had to go to the store after work—and then
Howell went with me again after I got home because of an important item I’d
forgotten in my hasty visit.
I’d spent hardly any time at home between grocery store one
and grocery store two. We had dinner plans after that, so we jumped from one
place to the other.
We didn’t get home until after 9:00 p.m., and I still needed
to make sausage balls for a work event the following day.
As we were leaving dinner, I grabbed Howell’s hand and said,
“I need help!” J
Y’all. I know I say it a lot, but my husband is the best.
We got home, and he pulled out the mixing bowls while I
pulled out the ingredients, and we stood—side by side—rolling 100 sausage
I finished in probably half the time it would have taken me
(rolling takes the most time, really), and I was grateful for his help.
That got me thinking: remember when I said that our husbands want to help; we need only ask them?
Sometimes I don’t even realize I’m trying to do it all until I’ve completely worn
myself out.
Any time I ask Howell to help me with something (“Can you
pick up the dry cleaning?” “Can you run to the store on your way home?” “Can
you do…?”), he’s always happy to do so.
The problem is, I forget to ASK FOR HELP.
Can anyone relate?
Wives, we weren’t meant to shoulder all the weight.
Although 1 Peter 3:7 is addressing what husbands should do, I love what Julie, our pastor's wife, pointed out last week at the women's event. She said, the Bible calls US the WEAKER vessel. It's okay. Get over it. Accept it. Be happy about it.
Sometimes I'm so busy trying to be strong, that I forget it's okay to be weak. Not only does the Lord tell us that when we're weak, He's strong, but also He gave us husbands who are strong for us.
Culture tells women to be independent--not in need of a man. I’m all
for empowering women from subjugation, but in marriage, that still must be
balanced with biblical truth.
And the truth is, we were made to be a helpmate for our
husbands, and our husbands are to lead and cover us.
If you feel overwhelmed today, ask your husband for help—or ask
him to help you say no if there’s too much on your plate. Let him lead you—and
let him share the weight. He is strong and able, I promise.