Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Some Writerly Updates

I’ve been quiet on the writing front lately, so I felt it was time for a few updates. At the moment, here’s a picture of my writerly life:

1. Waiting with bated breath to hear from a publisher. As you may know, I signed a contract with an agent last fall after the ACFW conference. He and my amazing critique partner helped me get one of my manuscripts polished and the proposal and sample chapters sent off to a potential publisher.

2. Editing an old manuscript. Over the last several months, any free time has been spent reading and re-reading authors I greatly admire, and I believe it’s improving my ability to revise my own writing. I now see sentence patterns and repetition in a way I never did before, and I’m re-working my first manuscript with a slight cringe at the weaknesses there. But I’m not discouraged! In fact, I’m all the more encouraged to see the caliber to which I want to raise my writing. Now to practice until it gets there… (p.s. Once this manuscript is revised (thanks again to my awesome critique partner ;)), my agent and I will work to get it ready to send to another potential publisher.)

3. Writing a new book. My progress is minimal at this point, but I am having fun crafting a new story. These new characters swim in my head throughout the day, as I get to know them, their quirks, their reactions, their motivations. My goal is to have a first draft completed by the end of June.

Whether I’m reading the old ms or working on the new project, I’m excited to see how my writing has progressed. I know I still have so much to learn (and so much to edit), but I’m a life-long student. Learning is my thing. :) 

If you think of me, please continue to pray for God's favor and grace throughout this journey. May it always and forever be about Him.

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