Thursday, September 1, 2016

Happy Birthday to Superwoman (a.k.a. My Sister!)

Sisters are God’s gift to us, built-in friendships that last a lifetime.

I was recently talking with a friend about one of her daughters, and I said something like, “Well, at least she has her sister. That’s what saved me through those weary junior high and high school days.”

I meant every word. My sister and I watched many friendships come and go, but we always had each other. I can’t describe the comfort it gives me to know she’ll always be there.

And since today is her birthday, I wanted to especially honor her for all that she’s done for me! (For another sentimental birthday post, I once wrote my 30 favorite memories of us.)

But first, some pictures... (because that's her favorite :))

Y’all, my sister is superwoman. She works all day long—leading, inspiring, managing, and encouraging her team. She does everything with excellence, and I respect her for what she does every day at work.

Then she comes home and starts round two. As a wife and a mom, she has to think about dinner, laundry, cleaning house, packing lunches, scheduling shots and check-ups, grocery shopping, play time, bath time, and bed time. And again, she does it all with grace.

She doesn’t always have it together, but sometimes that’s my favorite part. She’s not afraid to be vulnerable. She’s not afraid to ask for help.

She is loyal to others, even if she gets burned for it. She’s one of the most faithful people I know.

She makes us laugh. Most of my childhood entertainment came from sitting around—the table, the living room, the porch—and laughing because Michalea had us all going.

She encourages me just when I need it, and I know she does the same for many others.

She is truly ONE of a kind.

Today, I’m thankful for her birth and for her place in my life. I can’t imagine my world without her in it!

Happy birthday, Sister!
I love you!

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