Thursday, May 12, 2016

Part 2: Giving Thanks for Who I Am in Christ

I’m continuing this month’s focus on gratitude, and let me tell you, being intentionally focused on all that I’m thankful for continues to bring a wealth of peace to my heart.

Today I feel most thankful for who I am in Christ. The trouble, some days, is believing it.

I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo (for a few reasons—none of which are religious!!), but if I were to get a tattoo, I think I would tattoo the word BELIEVE in pretty cursive font on my wrist. 

That's the reminder I need every day. 

Jesus said it like this—this is the work you do: to believe (John 6:29). 

We have to believe three areas—all of which shape our new nature: 1) who we are in Christ; 2) who He says He is; and 3) what He says He’ll do.

Believe who I am in Christ 
- that I am whole, complete, lacking nothing
- that I am healed
- that I am enough 
- that I am redeemed, restored
- that I am righteous 

Believe who He says He is
- that He is faithful
- that He is good
- that He is enough
- that He is all-loving
- that He is healer
- that He is redeemer
- that He is shepherd and provider
- that He is Abba Daddy, Jesus Savior Lord, and Holy Helper

Believe His word, what He says He will do
- that He accomplishes His word
- that He finishes the good work 
- that He restores my soul
- that He perfects that which concerns me
- that He leads me to still waters

You may be thinking: How does believing who I am become a source of gratitude? Well, lemme tell you; it’s changed my life!

I didn’t come up with this phrase (and I’m sorry I don’t know to whom to give credit), but I like to consider myself a “recovering perfectionist.”

If Mary and Martha were a scale—a spectrum of sorts—I would be on the high Martha end. Always doing. Always working. Always stressing—and comparing and feeling exhausted.

That’s who I was—outside of who I am in Christ.

I worried constantly what others thought, and I struggled all the time with guilt—that I wasn’t doing enough or that I wasn’t enough to do it right.

I’m not saying I never struggle with those thoughts anymore, but today, I am grateful to walk in and believe who I am in Christ (emphasis on believe because it’s not always what I feel).

Because of the finished work of the cross, because of all that Jesus accomplished, He made me righteous and at peace with God. It’s always and forever as it should be between us.

I don’t have to work to please.

I don’t have to carry guilt.

I don’t have to worry that I’m insufficient or insignificant.

What a gift!

He says I’m the head and not the tail, and He thinks I’m pretty awesome.

Who I am in Christ has become a source of peace for me; it’s changed how I think about myself, how I interact with others, and how I interact with the Lord.

Today, I’m thankful for Jesus, for the cross, and for who He made me to be when I became hidden in Him.

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