Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Calling Myself a Writer - Part Two

So, I wrote a book. A work of fiction actually. And it's a little known fact about me because I've been timid about saying so and especially about calling myself a writer. (Need proof: see THIS post five years ago or THIS post six years ago!)

Last weekend I went to a writer's conference where (in addition to meeting my all-time favorite author!!) I got to meet with agents and editors and learn so much about the publishing process. To call it a life-changing weekend only scratches the surface.

One of the things I learned is that I need to create a platform for myself. I had never heard of this term, which is probably why I could safely say I didn't have one. A platform is a big thing for nonfiction, but it's becoming a thing for fiction too. And it's a catch 22. You kinda have to publish a book to get a platform. But editors at traditional publishing houses want to see that you have a platform before they buy your manuscript.

So I'm working on my "platform," which means I'm going to be blogging more regularly. Y'all have been so supportive of my blogs about infertility, and I'm still going to blog, but it'll look a little different. Howell and I will blog about marriage on Mondays. To be honest, this has been our heart for over five years. We actually kept a marriage blog for a while (another little known fact. :)) And I'll be blogging personally on Thursdays. Sometimes about writerly stuff. Sometimes just about me.

I promise I won't spam your Facebook newsfeed with my blogs, especially my writer blogs. I am going to keep Facebook for me personally--not as a "platform."

BUT if you are interested in following me on this journey as I work to publish my first manuscript (yes, I actually had people who wanted to see it! Eeeek!) and if you want to help me build my "platform," here are some ways you can help:

  1. Subscribe to my blog, even if all my posts aren't interesting to you. You don't have to always read them, but it shows I have readers. :)
  2. Follow me on Twitter (@Grace2Write), even if you don't tweet or look at Twitter or get it. I don't either sometimes, but if you have an account, follow me!
  3. Follow me on Google+ (Laura C. Brandenburg), even if I don't get what Google+ is! Ha! The app is new to me, but if you have it and you use it, Follow me? Friend me?  Put me in your circle? Whatever the wording is--do that. :)
All of the links to subscribe (follow by email) or follow (on Twitter or Google+) are on the right sidebar of my blog site. (Over there! --->) (Note: If you're viewing the mobile site, you may have to click the "view full site" link at the bottom.)

Follow and share and share and share--especially if you have reader-friends who like feel-good romantic fiction (think: Charles Martin, not Danielle Steele :)).

I aspire to write about life events that are real and relatable. Life is not always pretty, but God is always good. I have experienced the pain of loss and the heartache of unexpected outcomes. I know what anger and bitterness and unforgiveness look like. But I have found freedom in Christ, and I hope, through the stories I tell, my readers can encounter the grace and the power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your support! 

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