Friday, July 9, 2010

Catching up...

There are a million things I should be doing right now, but I'm not motivated to get any of them done. So, while avoiding work and reading other's blogs (that I haven't read in months!), I thought I would do a little updating. Since it's been forever, I'll just stick to the top 5 news stories. :)

1) Guatemala. We went to Guatemala at the end of May for 12 days. It was supposed to be for 10 days, but we got a little stuck (a story for another day). We got to do some incredible work for the Lord in a little town/village up north. I was so blessed by the way He used us and more importantly, blessed by the people I got to encounter. I was supposed to go and give away two weeks of my time in service, and instead I spent two weeks being filled with encouragement and love from others.

2) Summer Blues. I am taking one course this summer and working as Assistant Director of Composition (my job for the last 2 years) and Director of Composition Extended Studies (a new job that got "assimilated" into my job title. :)). I also picked up a side job editing dissertations for the graduate school. I'm so thankful for that job because they're paying me really well per hour! :) Believe it or not, this summer's actually been more demanding and time-consuming than last spring... I had to cut a few things out of my life in order to keep my sanity. :) But, work is work and the class is really important for the research I'll be doing for my dissertation. So, all-in-all, it's a necessary and relevant 3 months. :)

3) Ranch. We went to the ranch the weekend after we got back from Guatemala. For one, it was the only weekend for the entire summer that wasn't planned already! Good Grief! But, we also needed to help my dad with some stuff around the ranch. We spent an entire day fixing roads... It was some tough work, but I got to use a chain saw. :) P.S. Those are heavier than they look....

4) Zoe Leader's Retreat. We went on the Zoe leader's retreat at the end of June. It was really nice to be a part of that this year. We've been a part of Zoe for three years now, but we've always been on the outside looking in. It was fun to get to help plan events and toss ideas around. Being a part of Chapter 1 was a huge thing in both our lives in San Angelo, and it was nice to feel that way again. :)

5) Doctor's Order. So, last but not least-- I went to the doctor this week for my arthritis. For those who don't know, I've been diagnosed with a semi-rare form of arthritis since I was 17. I also have a tendency to skip out on my appointments... ;-) But, for the last month or so, I've been in a lot of pain (starting in Guatemala, actually). So, it was time to make some changes... My doctor changed my arthritis medicine, which I think is going to be a good thing. And he also gave me pain medicine, which I'm super excited about! So far, the medicine has made me sick, but I'm hoping to adjust soon! On a more depressing note, he also recommended that I lose some weight. I've gained quite a bit of weight since I last saw him (almost 2 years ago, right after Hal & I got married). And even though I wouldn't consider myself a "big girl," I know that taking a few pounds off will take some of the pressure off my back and hips, which are the worst areas where my arthritis is concerned.

So, I'm trying, for the first time in my life (seriously!) to eat healthy. I've never been a good eater, and in high school and college, I just stayed active and ate what I wanted. Now, that I'm getting older, my metabolism has changed, and it's time for a few adjustments. So, fruits and veggies--welcome to my life. :) I'll keep you updated on my progress...

To close: this weekend, we're going to Six Flags and a Ranger game--our one little vacation for the summer! I'm super excited about it, though. We even get to take our doggies (cause we're staying in a hotel that takes dogs). :) More to come on that event....

Everyday, I am more blessed by what God is doing in our lives. We've almost been married 2 years, we have a beautiful house, cars that run, and two dogs that are precious to us (well, Riley...sometimes....). :) It's not been easy. Circumstances are up and down. But God is good and faithful. He always has been!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the update!!! I hope his means more to come soon:)!!!! I can only but praise Him for His provision, faithfulness and goodness! thank you for sharing:)!!!
