Today, I'm believing. That's the declaration I made to God this morning. And it's the declaration I want to continue making. This weekend, Hal and I both were so encouraged by Joe McGee (Hal probably more so because he got to spend the whole weekend with him). In talking about the way that he and his family pray for God to move in their life, Joe really challenged us to have the same discipline and confidence in our own life. So, last night, Hal and I made a list of the areas in our life where we'd like to see God move. It's not a huge list, but as we sat and prayed together, I felt more encouraged and strengthened than I have in years. I'm always asking God for things, but I think I fall short of really believing for them. Not because I don't believe God can do it, but because I don't have the focus and the confidence to express, by faith, his promises and his Word.
Every day, I'm supposed to walk in the favor of God, but I don't. I'm supposed to believe in His blessing--that every day He wants to bless me--but I don't. I miss it. I get caught up in work and school and the day-to-day routine. When God first saved me, I was so hungry for his Word. I memorized it, I carried it with me everywhere I went, and I meditated on it all day long. I don't do that anymore. In my comfort and complacency, I leave God next to my journal and my bible, where I sit to pray in the mornings. I might talk to Him throughout the day--asking for His help, praying for a friend. But that's different than believing. And it's certainly different than declaring.
Believing and declaring mean that I have God's word hidden in my heart. That all day long, I meditate on His word--like Proverbs 3:5-6 or Phil 4:6-7, both of which remind me to rest under His sovereignty. I should focus on Eph 1 and Romans 8, which declare that not only has He redeemed me, but I am His. As I give of time and money, I should remember that I can't outgive God (Luke 6:38). And regardless of what I'm doing in the day, I should remember that I do it all for Him (Col 3:23). Excellence and perserverence are noble, but they are all the more soured if my motivation is to please man. Hard-work and determination are worthy, but all the more useless if I'm driven by pride. But learning to walk in humility, learning to work before an audience of One--that is worth meditating on.
So, today I'm believing.
"But learning to walk in humility, learning to work before an audience of One--that is worth meditating on."
ReplyDeleteWOW!!!Very well said! I think I needed to hear that. I am both convicted but also encouraged!!!
I am also encouraged by what you said in how everyday we ought to walk in the favor of God!!!
thank you for that sweet reminder!!